Saturday, August 03, 2013

Education week

Henry and Milly's school held their Book Week parade and Education Week celebrations all on the same day.  So what does that mean?  Well it means, they got to attend school dressed up as their favourite book characters, and have me come and visit them in the classroom so they could show off their work.

Their school is pretty proud of their academic record, but on display this year they focused on the arts.  It was lovely to walk around the school and see kids putting on musical performances, ballet or other dance recitals, and even a magic show.  There were art works from each class hanging up all around the school.  The chess club was out in force challenging anyone to a game.  And it was hard sit back and watch a game of handball and not be able to play.

Harry Potter and Lola.

I gave Milly the option of having me visit her classroom first or second.  She said she wanted me to visit her class last because it would give me more time with her.  So off I trotted to class 2W to see Henry.  His class were busy doing a find-a-word puzzle that had a recycling theme.  He gave me a red pencil to tick off his words as he found them.  He showed me under his desk where he keeps his books and pencil case, and told me he wished I could visit his class all the time so I can give him the answers.

Next stop was visiting Milly in her class KM.  When I arrived I could see parents with cameras filming, but by the time I reached the classroom it was all over and Milly was in tears.  I had missed her kindy class performance.  Her teacher was so apologetic and said she had waited knowing I would be there but had to get the program of activities underway.  Of course, had I known Milly's class were going to do something special for the parents I would have gone to her class first.  After lots of cuddles and kisses Milly calmed down and took me to her desk to show me her workbooks and around her classroom.  

It was so lovely to see the kids in their classrooms and have lunch with them in the playground.  Am now looking forward to Buster starting school in 18 months time and visiting him in class as well.

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