Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Money changes everything

With the start of a new year came the start of an addition to Henry and Milly's routine.  Housework.  Yes, housework.  We thought it was about time they started helping out around the house.  They are certainly old enough to do some basic chores and there is no better incentive than the promise of pocket money.

They both have five jobs to complete each day and once completed they can give themselves a star.  They decide whether or not they want to do the job and understand they don't get a star if they don't do the work.  They must get a minimum of 20 stars to get any pocket money but get an increased amount if they get 30 or more stars.

We've had the system in play for just over a month and it seems to be working out well.  Milly barely scrapes in with enough stars to get pocket money, but Henry is trying his best and is enjoying getting some coins to add to his money box.  It seems to be setting a great example for Buster too, as he sometimes wants to be in on the jobs as well.  As for Michael and me, we are very grateful for the extra help we are now getting with some of the menial jobs around the house.

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