Friday, October 12, 2012

Caped crusaders

It was recently Book Week at school.  I've always found Book Week a little funny, because they really only celebrate a single day of the school week by having the students dress up as their favourite book character.  So I don't understand why they don't call it Book Day or something similar. 

Henry's school had a theme this year and it was to dress up as a hero.  Naturally, our seven year old wanted to go as a super hero and Batman was his super hero of choice.  There are currently two Batman costumes in the shops.  The original Batman I grew up with who wore his underpants on the outside of his tights, and the new and improved Batman from The Dark Knight movie series.  Henry wanted the Dark Knight costume but thankfully they didn't have it in his size so he had to be retro Batman. 

Once the costume was on he was thrilled to bits and dashed around the backyard looking to fight crime where ever it maybe.  And what is a caped crusader without his trusty side kicks?  Enter Bat Girl and Bat Boy.

There is so much I love about the photos above and below.  Firstly, Milly and her not-so-subtle posing for the camera.  Secondly, how much Henry looks like a 'Harry high pants' in his all-in-one Batman costume.  Thirdly, our little Boo Boy and his not-so-healthy obsession with weapons.  The first photo above shows just how much he loves it and how menacing he can be.  While the photo below he is the baby faced assassin, looking like an angel holding a gun.

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