Sunday, September 02, 2012

Father's Day

Poor Michael.  His Father's Day hasn't exactly been ideal.  First, he was to spend it solely with the kids for half the day because I had a market on.  Second, Henry was up and awake vomiting just after 5.00am and has continued being sick all day.

I got home from the market around 1.30pm to find the family in the lounge room.  Henry had just fallen asleep, Milly and Buster were busy mucking around and being noisy, and Michael was folding the laundry.  Happy Father's Day!

But as usual it is the excitement the kids have giving Michael their presents that make the day special for him.  They beam with pride over the cards they made and gifts they selected from their school gift stalls.  They love him completely and just want to please him and make him happy.  And all this lasts just a precious minute or two before they start with their demands for breakfast.

Happy Father's Day.

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