Sunday, July 08, 2012

Anywhere but the cot

It's been a few weeks since Buster slept in his own cot.  The bedtime routine has always been the same, we put all the kids to bed together at the same time.  They all get tucked in, have some cuddles and kisses goodnight and then we leave them to have their sweetest of dreams.  We always go back and check on them to make sure they are asleep and to steal some extra kisses.  But a few times we've gone into the boy's room and found Buster's cot empty.  When it first happened there was a moment of panic - "where the hell is he?".  Then we found him on top of Henry's bed, with Henry fast asleep under the covers.  He'd climbed out of his cot and tried to get under Henry's covers but hadn't quite managed it and had fallen asleep with his head on Henry's pillow, next to Henry.  All very sweet.  This had happened a few nights in a row.

Then another time we'd checked on them after bedtime tuck in and Buster wasn't in his cot and wasn't in Henry's bed either.  He had snuck out of his cot and decided to creep into Milly's room and sleep on her floor.  I couldn't help but take a couple of photos as evidence.

Since then Buster has had a horrible virus that had him vomiting over a few days and us a bit worried we'd have to take him to hospital, so we had him in our bed with us to keep an eye on him.  He's been sleeping with us ever since.  Seeing as he won't sleep in the cot anymore we've bought him a 'big bed' of his own and are in the process of redecorating the boy's bedroom and setting up his own 'big bed'.  Fingers are crossed that he happily takes to his new bed and the move back into his room.  But secretly I'm enjoying having him snuggled between us at night.  He really is an angel when he's asleep and knowing he's our last little baby, we are soaking up these precious moments all we can.

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