Monday, February 20, 2012

The Wee Man

"Mmm, charming!" I can hear you say.  Yes, there is nothing more lovely than a photo of a toilet, I'd agree.  "And what's that thing on your toilet?" I also hear you ask.  Well, it's a Wee Man.  A toilet training urinal just for boys.  How does it work?  It clips onto the front of the toilet, allowing small boys to urinate while standing up un-aided - just like Dad.  Once a small boy's mission is completed, you just tip the urinal backwards allowing the wee to fall into the toilet. 

A good friend passed this on to us when we had Henry, and he used it a little when he started toilet training.  He quickly moved on to standing on a small step and weeing straight into the toilet, but Buster is a wee man (ie a small man) and he's just a little too wee (ie small) to stand on a step and reach the toilet.

We hadn't planned on starting toilet training yet.  We needed to do a bit of reading as a refresher, as it has been a while - in fact it has been since Henry.  We didn't need to train Milly, she wasn't interested and refused.  In typical Milly style, she decided when she was ready and just toilet trained herself.

It all came about when we were getting Buster ready for his bath and he kept saying "toilet now, I go toilet now".  So out of storage we found the Wee Man and set it up.  Buster is a very observant child and he stood in front of it knowing what to do..... but nothing happened.  Two days after setting up the Wee Man, Michael was getting Buster's bath ready and he turned around to find Buster had in fact done a wee in the Wee Man by himself.  So very proud.  He has since followed this up with another successful wee, but that is as far as we have taken it.  Only at bathtime do we encourage him.  I'm not really sure that he knows when he wants to do a wee, he certainly never tells us when he's doing a poo.  But I can assure you, we will be celebrating with pride when we say goodbye to nappies. 

Until then, Buster remains our wee little man.

1 comment:

Kim-Marie from Kimba Likes said...

I'm delighted to see it in use again! X