Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Sibling rivalry

I've just picked up Henry from school. The conversation in the car went like this.

Henry: Mama, do skunks eat bats?
Me: I don't know mister.
Milly: Well, they do.
Henry: How do you know?
Milly: I know everything!
Henry: No you don't.
Milly: Yes, I do. I know what 4 + 2 is.
Me: What is it Milly?
Milly: Six.
Henry: Well, I know what 11 + 11 is. It's 14.
Me: Um, sorry mister. It's 22.
Milly: Well, I know what 1 + 19 + is. It's a secret. Everything I know is a secret.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Milly has a career in politics as a spin Dr, she convinced me.
Aunty Kathy