Monday, July 18, 2011


He speaks. He speaks in whole words. He speaks and is understood.... well by us anyway. Buster's first word was Mummy. Not Ma or Mama or Mum. Phonetically he says "Mum-ee". No wonder he has me wrapped around his finger. It's every Mum's dream to have her childs first words be her name. Hooray for me.

Buster's second word was "more". A great word that comes in handy and makes his needs easily understood. "More" when he wants an extra helping of food. "More" when he wants to continue a game. "More" when he wants me to keep singing him nursery rhymes or a silly made-up song. And that was it and had been it for a while. "Mum-ee" and "more" and a series of pointing and grunting for a couple of months. Then all of a sudden Buster added "Dad-ee" to his vocabulary. Not Da or Dadda or Dad.

With that he is now on a roll with his words, and they are nearly all whole words. Play, sock, foot, soup, shoe, bird, car, bike, lick, nose, bikkie, ball, stuck, work. He says "fingey" when he means fingers and he says "what-ee" when he wants water. My favourite is his word for porridge, "pordey".

It must be a relief for him that he can now make himself understood. It is certainly a relief for us. Plus I just have to add he has a gorgeous little voice that melts our hearts.


Anonymous said...

bless his little heart

Jackie Bartley said...

You can now add 'Nan-ee' to that list. This morning I was greeted by a little person with outstretched arms saying 'Nan-ee, Nan-ee'.

I have three titles - Nanoo, Nanee and Nonee.

I will answer to any of them!