Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turning one, so what does it mean?

Now that Buster is one, what are his achievements to date? He can sit up on his own and he can crawl. He has two teeth down the bottom with his top two just starting to poke through (he's not a fan of the teething process). He likes to position himself at Henry and Milly's table while they eat and beg for scraps or try and take their food from them.

He is making lots of sounds but no proper words yet. He loves to blow raspberries, especially when I'm encouraging him to say "mama". He can now pull himself up to standing and when he does he reaches for anything within his grasp. Once required item has been selected, Buster will then throw it to the floor to free his hand up to reach for another item which he will then throw to the floor. The whole process is repeated until there is nothing left to throw on the floor, at which time he then picks each item up and replaces it and then throws everything on the floor again.

Now that he is moving he is determined to get to places he knows he shouldn't. He loves making a dash for the fireplace and playing with the coal, covering himself and the floor in black soot. Any open door he sees as an invitation to wedge himself behind and shut everyone else out. Any drawer or cupboard he spots open is an invitation to explore and pull everything out. And the stairs, oh yes, the stairs are a his new joy.

He is such a determined little lad that I'm sure it won't be long until he writes his first formula or solves some incredible maths problem.

Until then he simply wants to help around the house and play with whatever Henry and Milly are playing with at the time.

And on the days Henry is at preschool Buster doesn't have to beg at the table. He's given Henry's chair to sit in and he happily has morning tea and lunch dates with big sister Milly. It won't be long before he's out of his highchair and have his own chair at the table with H&M.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a lovely little one-year old :)
Love from snowy swiss mountains xxx