Thursday, July 15, 2010

Eight months old

Buster celebrates being eight months old tomorrow. The time does go by so quickly but in many ways he also is very much still a baby. I never thought I'd be one of those parents who would "baby" their child, but it turns out I am. At eight months of age I still wrap Buster to sleep and his cot is still set up in our room. We have prepared Henry's room for moving Buster in but the reality is I just can't let Buster go. In all likelihood he is our last child. I don't want to say that he is, because it just seems too final. Certainly by the time Henry and Milly had turned eight months old I had already weaned them. With Buster I just don't want to give it up. I love our 'special' time together and it can sometimes be a bit frustrating when he wants to be picked up all the time or he gets upset when he knows I'm not in the room, but deep, deep down I like that he still wants and needs me. I just hope I'm not turning him into a "mummy's boy".
So at eight months of age what is Buster up to? Well, he is finally growing some hair. It is blonde and very fine. He has his first two teeth poking through and he didn't really enjoy the teething process. He is only just starting to roll from front to back and is close to going from back to front. He is a little Mr Grabby Grabster, wanting to reach or twist and grab whatever catches his eye. He loves playing with paper and makes good use of the junk mail before it makes it to the recycling bin. He isn't very vocal. The only sounds (other than crying) are "aaarrgggg" like noises and when we try to coax a "mama" or "dada" he just looks at us and gives a shy smile or a little giggle. Actually, he doesn't really giggle. It's more of a goofy guffaw.

Buster loves his big brother Henry. Whenever Henry walks by Buster's eyes follow him and he has a big smile on his face. Henry loves Buster just as much. At first, Buster wasn't quite sure how to take Milly. Well, let's be honest, some of us still don't know how to. But he has sized her up and now watches and smiles at her, and if she gets too much he just swats her away or pulls her hair. It is Buster's relationship with his siblings that is the only thing that makes me wish he were a bit older. I can't wait to see him running around with them and what kind of games and mischief the three of them will create.

Here are some of the names we currently call Buster:
Buster Boo. Buster Booberry. Booberry Muffin. Boo Boy. Buster Boy. Henry (yes, that is me and Michael getting it wrong). Fat Baby (that one is Milly's current favourite). B-Boy. Dumpling. Chumbles. Dimples. Gorgeous.


Anonymous said...

Oh Tiff, How lovely and I`m sure that between all the other influences in his life, especially a sister like Milly, he will grow up in his own time. He`s already looking like himself rather than a copy of Henry and there`s a little bit of a Milly mouth there too.

they are such glorious photos.

Lots of Love, Mum xx

Anonymous said...

What a lovely photo of you and him :)
I can so understand you not wanting to let go!! I am doing that with my first!! ;)
I only just moved out of her bedroom ;))

And congratulations on your market entreprise, sounds great and so exciting! :)

Lots of love from CH,