Monday, April 27, 2009

Birthday celebrations

Time does fly when you have children. Watching them grow, learn and development is a wonderful thing as a parent. It was hard to believe our little babies were turning 2 and 4. Their birthday celebrations started on Saturday with a party with family and friends, and then followed with their actual birth days. For Henry and Milly it may have seemed a little overwhelming, three days of birthday wishes and presents, but what kid doesn't like getting presents.

The Toy Story themed birthday cakes.

The party.

The next day was Sunday - Milly's actual birthday. Henry was a little put out that she was getting all the attention and presents and that he had to wait another day for his.

Milly opening presents while Henry looks on dressed in one of Milly's presents.

Jessie and Bullseye from the movie Toy Story. The kids have been obsessed with this movie for months.

Henry got quite upset that Milly didn't want to share her Toy Story presents with him and that he had to wait another day before getting his presents.

We decided to give Henry his main birthday present a day early. He really couldn't wait another day to get his Buzz Lightyear. Seeing the joy on his face was worth it.

A weekend of celebrating and a full day of playing with Buzz and Woody had taken its toll on our young man.

Finally it was Monday, Henry's birthday. The first thing he said when he woke up was "am I four now?".

More Buzz Lightyear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happpy birthday Henry and Milly .
Tiffany you would not believe it Bettina has the same Bee dress and she wears it every morning she had it since September . She dances in it every day !