Monday, February 09, 2009

Farmer Tiff

I've always wanted to have a vegie and herb garden to pick from. Now that we have our own house I've been able to claim some garden space and make my dream come true. Really, I'm a novice to gardening. Not everything I tried to grow took off or even produced seedlings, but I've had a few successes and they have been yummy. The whole thing is a learning experience and it has been great fun. The kids have enjoyed it too. They help with the watering, sometimes the weeding, and always with the sampling. Henry knows all the herbs we grow and can be sent out at dinner preparation time to clip a few to add to our meal. Milly is only interested in the cherry tomatoes and the strawberries because she can pick them herself and eat them on the spot.

In the herb department we are growing: basil, mint, parsley, coriander, sage, thyme, rosemary, vietnamese mint, tarragon, chives and oregano.
The vegetables we are growing are: cherry tomatoes, roma tomatoes, lettuce, rocket, zucchini, carrots, green beans, snow peas, and capsicum.
We also have a lemon tree, lime tree and a strawberry patch.


Anonymous said...

Well done Tiff. Is that Jackie in the background of the last picture? What is she doing? Watching paint dry? ha ha
She looks like she is looking at white canvases.
Aunty Kathy

Anonymous said...

Actually Aunty Kathy aka Little Sis I am checking out the sheets of cladding that Peter and Michael were nailing to the walls of the cubby house.

By the way, ask Tiff how the lime and lemon tree gets it supplementary watering!!

Love Jackie aka Nannoo