Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Domestic goddess

I can’t stop baking. Cakes, cupcakes, breads, biscuits, muffins – sweet and savoury. Henry helps with the pouring, sieving, whisking, beating, and mixing …and of course the taste testing. We are lucky he is such a good eater and willing to try most things.

Milly is now 11 weeks old. She is smiling more and more and loves watching Henry play – she always has a super big smile for him. She is sleeping well at night between feeds, and on a couple of occasions has even skipped a night time feed.

A big thank you to Elke Kremer who gave Milly the giraffe. Happy Birthday Elke!


Anonymous said...

Wow Tiff you are a true Mummy. The pictures are gorgeous and I especially like the one of Milly leaning on the giraffe, we can really see her pretty litte face, she is so like you Tiff which is only fair as I think Henry is like Michael. Can I have a photo of her wearing her outfit I sent, when it fits her? xxx

Anonymous said...

Thank you for mentioning my name on your web page it really brought a smile to my face. I hope Henry lets Millie play with her giraffe. I hope to come and visit again soon and see Millie awake. Love Elke xxxxx