Sunday, December 17, 2006

Merry Christmas

A very Merry Christmas to all family and friends who read our blog.

We will be doing a bit of a family tour this Christmas. Christmas Day will be spent with Michael's family so Henry can get to know his cousins. Boxing Day will be with Tiff's Dad, then its another trip to visit Nanoo before New Year.

Henry is still unsure what this Christmas caper is about, but he knows the fat bloke in a red suit is Santa and Henry says "ho, ho" whenever he sees a Santa.

In other news we had our first scare when Henry tripped and fell into Allegra's chalkboard easel, cutting his forehead open - blood spilling everywhere. I just stood there in shock not knowing what to do, Henry was hysterical, thank god Michael is the level headed one and whisked Henry off to try and stop the bleeding and calm him down.

With bleeding stopped and Henry seemingly back to his happy self we took him to the doctor to check the wound (more hysterics, as Henry didn't want the doctor to touch him or clean the wound) to confirm a stitch would be required. There was no way Henry was going to allow this, so some special tape was stuck over the cut on his head and we now wait to see if it will scar.

This weekend we took Henry to Luna Park (a fun fair for those not in the know). He had a ball going on the kiddies rides, riding up and down on a horse on the carousel, and spinning with Dadda in the tea cups. It was great to see him try something new and enjoy it so much. After each ride he would point back and say "more".

Other baby news - yes, keeping busy with Henry and work we sometimes forget we are expecting another baby. I'm 22 weeks pregnant now and all is going well. I don't seem to be gaining as much weight as I did with Henry (must be I'm more active), but by all accounts we are not expecting a small child. We opted not to find out the sex of this one. Due date is now estimated to be 23 April.

Have a safe and happy Christmas.


Anonymous said...

LOVELY PICS.. So gald to hear that you have already got 22 weeks out of the way Tiff. Keep up the good work cooking number two. Have a lovely Christmas.
Lots of love
Aunty Kathy
x x x x

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