Sunday, April 09, 2006

These are a few of my favourite things

While Henry is not quite the performing seal, he has added a few new tricks to his repertoire. He can poke his tongue out on demand - "Henry's where's your tongue?", and out it pops. Yes, very polite and an important skill to have have in life.

He can clap his hands. Mum was very proud when this started, as she had invested a good five months in trying to teach him clapping and he can now clap his hands together when asked.

He is very close to mastering shape sorters. He has managed to insert a variety of shapes in their correct holes a number of times, but hasn't quite been able to do it correctly all the time. It doesn't matter to him if he gets it right or wrong, he get's excited about trying to do it everytime.

He is becoming quite domesticated. He helps put clothes in the laundry basket, and is very good and pulling his toys out of his toy box and then putting them back.

His favourite song is "Hung Up" by Madonna. Without fail he taps his legs in time with the music and bounces up and down with a big smile on his face.

And at last some more photos for you....

Another trip to the zoo and yes, another silly photo. This time it's Henry as he would have appeared in the documentary film "March of the Penguins". Oh well, we'll add this to his portfolio of photos for when the next audition call comes up through for young penguins or if Anne Geddes needs some inspiration.

Next up is young Mr Henry playing with some large Lego type blocks at Nannoo's place.

There's nothing like a naked baby in a bath photo. When we ask Henry to splash in the bath he goes berserk and we all end up wet.

Henry is a big fan of peek-a-boo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Gorgeous !