Monday, February 27, 2006

Henry and the peach

Recently Henry had a confrontation with a peach... a poor, unsuspecting peach that whilst I'm sure did its best took a savage, savage beating. The following sequence was captured on high speed film and covers a time period of around 0.002 of a second, well at least you would think so judging from the carnage in the last shot.
He is also standing. We are of course very impressed and a little scared by that too, but we really did have to show what can happen if you leave yourself lying around near young Henry, and you happen to be food.


Anonymous said...

FABULOUS go Henry go! The day will dawn when he recognises chocolate so you can no longer eat it in secret and then its the time when he can reach the door handles.....from then on my lovelies it is no holds barred for about 20 years.....he is so lovely I think you should make him a sister so that they can plan and scheme together, i will sign off so you can get cracking! x x x x

Anonymous said...

What a glorious sequence of photos. With Hobson, Bartley and Matthews genes in him, Henry couldn't help but be a connoisseur of fine food. I just love that sated, smug expression on his face, not to mention the sheer abandonment of any table manners!
You are a joy to feed. xxx