Sunday, May 22, 2005

In case anyone is wondering why so many baby photos are taken whilst the baby is alseep, it's generally for two reasons. 1 - It's usually the only time you've got two spare hands to take a photo. 2 - Cuteness, of course. What you are seeing in this picture is the equivalent of the 50 cent piece shown in photos of small objects to give an idea of scale. Where Henry lies on the scale of adorability is given perspective, by comparing him with the big ugly mug in the background. Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From Henry's Nanoo

Help - all I'm getting is a black mass of not easily distinguished shapes on my computer. Do you have a brighter photo for me to download into my "brag book"!!

Can't believe he's just celebrated his first month. You are brilliant to have created such a precious little bundle.