Sunday, April 17, 2005

Baby update - 41 weeks

I'm still pregnant! Little baby Hobson is still showing no signs of arriving. The last trip to the obstetrician revealed a head that still refuses to engage and a thick cervix showing no signs of thinning. I've still barely felt a contraction.

So what happens now? Well on Tuesday night (19 April) I will be checked into hospital and will start the initial stages of having labour induced. Hopefully by early to mid afternoon on Wednesday I'll be well on the way to getting little baby Hobson out and into the world. Only three more sleeps until parenthood.

Watch this space.


Anonymous said...

My goodness what a HUGE baby!By the looks of things he's a bit of a Bartley as he doesn't yet seem to have his Dad's long forehead! I think this boy, with a very special birthday, will be handing clothes down to his older cousin. While we thought Rory was our "big" baby we were obviously kidding ourselves.
Tiff, make sure Michael does most of the carrying of Henry from now on otherwise your back will go.Lots of love Lib, Mike, Aisling &Rory.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world, little Henry1

My, what a beautiful boy you are - those cheeks are adorable!

Your Mummy and Daddy are absolutely thrilled that you finally decided to grace them with your presence. You were worth the wait, sweetpea!

Love and Kisses
Mark, Kimba and Dylan xxx